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No: 13267/02.09.2021


In the attention of: Mr. Ciprian Popescu, architecture office CPBA SRL



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POC 2014 - 2020

Project name: Innovation of the LEMA electric locomotive in order to increase energy efficiency

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program Competitiveness POC 2014-2020


Press release - 23.10.2023

Project closure: "Innovation of the electric locomotive LEMA in order to increase energy efficiency" (RO)

Press release - 13.07.2020

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE - No. 570/04.05.2022 - to the negotiations procedure without prior publication


Project name: C-D laboratory development in the field of modernization and construction of electric locomotives.

Project duration: 18 months -> 01.09.2009 - 28.02.2011


The general objective

S.C. SOFTRONIC S.R.L. from Dolj county, Craiova, street Unirii nr. 37, organizes on 26.11.2009, at the working point located in Craiova, Calea Severinului Nr 40, 11 o'clock, the press conference on the occasion of the closing of the project "with the title , assembly and service of modernized block components for diesel and electric locomotives ", project financed by the Phare program Economic and Social Cohesion Human Resources Development 2006, financing scheme "Promoting lifelong learning for the qualification and requalification of the workforce", budget line Phare / 2006 / 018-

The 60,500 euro project funded by the European Union and the Romanian Government under the Phare 2006 program, carried out over 12 months, focused on the response determined by the need for professional specialization of operational staff in the field of production, installation and service. electronic components used for the modernization of electric locomotives. The project aimed and realized: Organizing professional specialization courses and certification of competencies for 6 types of block equipment, which are modernizations of electric locomotives.

86 students have completed. For additional information, please contact: Persida Ciulu, assistant manager Phone: 0753.052.936


For Phare notifications:


The specific objective

Development of existing C-D infrastructures in order to develop and manufacture new types of components for electric locomotives (LE). The most important of these are required by normative, technical, economic and market considerations:

- AC traction by replacing DC traction;

- ensuring interoperability on European railways;

- reducing electricity consumption;

- increasing the reliability of electric locomotives;

- reduction of maintenance costs.


The arrangements and endowments proposed by this project will develop the C-D infrastructure of S.C. SOFTRONIC S.R.L. and implicitly the capacity to develop new products to be introduced into manufacturing in its own workshops and integrated on EL (Electric Locomotives). For new or modern EL's, it is necessary to develop new components in order to obtain new facilities and performance:

- interoperability;

- increased reliability;

- reduced energy consumption;

- reduction of maintenance costs;

- increasing the service life between planned repairs;

- increasing the quality and efficiency of the research-development activity by performing specific tests of the EL components;

- increasing the performance of products introduced into manufacturing in our own workshops resulting from applied research activities;

- creating new jobs in the research department, attracting young people in the research-development activity.


The project aims at developing the C-D infrastructure in the location of S.C. SOFTRONIC S.R.L. from Calea Severinului, no. 40, CRAIOVA, DOLJ, with a total usable area of ​​6,099 sqm.

This will be achieved by arranging 6 new research-development laboratories with a total area of ​​approx. 1100 sqm, the acquisition of specialized stands, measuring and control equipment, calculation technique, increasing the number of employees in the research-development activity.



Project closure announcement

Press conference

Informative material

Phare CES DRU 2006 Project

Press release


Registration number: 1017/23.11.2009
Date of release: 23.11.2009
Project manager: Alina Gîrlea



S.C. SOFTRONIC S.R.L. from Dolj county, Craiova, str Unirii nr 37, organizes on 26.11.2009, at the working point located in Craiova, Calea Severinului Nr 40, 11 o'clock, the press conference on the occasion of the closing of the project "with the title , assembly and service of modernized block components for diesel and electric locomotives ", project financed by the Phare program Economic and Social Cohesion Human Resources Development 2006, financing scheme" Promoting lifelong learning for the qualification and requalification of the workforce ", budget line Phare / 2006 / 018-

The 60,500 euro project funded by the European Union and the Romanian Government under the Phare 2006 program, carried out over 12 months, focused on the response determined by the need for professional specialization of operational staff in the field of production, installation and service. electronic components used for the modernization of electric locomotives.

The project aimed and realized: Organizing professional specialization courses and certification of competencies for 6 types of block equipment, which are modernizations of electric locomotives. 86 students have completed it.

For more information, please contact:

Persida Ciulu - assistant manager



Project launch seminar


Informative material project launch seminar 23.01.2009

Through the project "Training of personnel for the manufacture, assembly and service of modernized block components for diesel and electric locomotives", SC SOFTRONIC SRL wishes for the employed staff to increase knowledge and acquire specific skills in accordance with the needs identified for the proper development of production. maintenance and service. The project meets the objectives of the company's strategy in terms of specialization of operational staff by covering the training needs.


Our proposal contributes to the first objective of the Program “Development and implementation of multiannual policies and programs for economic and social cohesion, through investment projects in priority sectors, in accordance with the provisions of the National Development Plan and supporting economic development at national and regional level. the increase of the general potential at national level and at the level of the eight development regions, as well as of the diminution of the economic and social disappearances between them ”.


The project aims to achieve the priority of the program "Promoting lifelong learning for the qualification and retraining of the workforce" through actions that lead to the acquisition of specific sets of knowledge and skills to train skills in occupations required in the labor market.


S.C. SOFTRONIC S.R.L., founded in 1998, is a manufacturer of block components for electric and diesel locomotives. Through applied research efforts carried out in their own laboratories, block components were developed and put into production in their own production workshops for the replacement, in the modernization process, of the physically or morally worn components of the electric locomotives. In this way, for the modernized locomotives, superior performances and the observance of the conditions imposed by the new norms (granted with EU norms) that regulate the transport on the railway were obtained.


In order to put into practice the new solutions, it is necessary the specialization of the operative personnel in the field of execution, assembly, maintenance and service of the equipment that is produced in order to be mounted on the modernized and / or repaired locomotives. The creation of specialization programs at the workplace of the operative personnel, are priorities in the development strategy of the company's human resources. The implementation of "Softronic" solutions on the existing locomotives in the railway parks in the country and in the countries where the Romanian locomotives were exported determines the need to specialize their own employees, a decisive factor for increasing the quality of products and obtaining high productivity.


The general objective of the project: Promoting the concept of lifelong learning for employees in small and medium enterprises, as a premise of the employability of the workforce in the South-West Oltenia region.


Specific objective: Specialization of the operational staff of SC Softronic SRL in the field of manufacture, assembly and service of components for electric locomotives. Quantitative results: 6 specialization programs followed by 80 employees, 80 employees certified in the specialization programs carried out. Qualitative results: improving the skills of personnel in the locomotive modernization sector by developing and promoting specialization programs aimed at obtaining knowledge and skills in a limited area of ​​a basic occupation, creating conditions for promotion within the company, obtaining higher earnings, changing mentality through the concept of lifelong learning. Results: impact: dissemination of the model of good practice in continuous professional specialization for SMEs in the region.


Press conference - closing project


Informative material press conference closing project 26.11.2009

Project budget = 60,500 euros, of which 46,000 from the EU through the Phare program CES DRU 2006 / 018-


Through the project "Training of personnel for the manufacture, assembly and service of modernized block components for diesel and electric locomotives", SC SOFTRONIC SRL , maintenance and service for the equipment that constitutes modernizations of electric locomotives. The project met the objectives of the company's strategy in terms of specialization of operational staff by covering training needs.


The project aimed to achieve the priority of the program "Promoting lifelong learning for the qualification and retraining of the workforce" through actions that led to the acquisition of specific sets of knowledge and skills to train skills in occupations required in the labor market.


S.C. SOFTRONIC S.R.L., founded in 1998, it is a manufacturer of block components for electric and diesel locomotives. Through applied research efforts carried out in their own laboratories, block components were developed and put into production in their own production workshops for the replacement, in the modernization process, of the physically or morally worn components of the electric locomotives. In this way, for the modernized locomotives, superior performances and the observance of the conditions imposed by the new norms (granted with EU norms) that regulate the transport on the railway were obtained.


For the implementation of the new solutions it is and will be necessary the specialization of the operative personnel in the field of execution, assembly, maintenance and service of the equipment that is produced to be mounted on the modernized and / or repaired locomotives. The creation of specialization programs at the workplace of the operative personnel, were priorities in the development strategy of the human resources of the company. The implementation of "Softronic" solutions on existing locomotives in the railway parks in the country and in countries where Romanian-made locomotives were exported, determined the need to specialize their employees, a decisive factor for increasing product quality and achieving high productivity.



General project objective:

Promoting the concept of lifelong learning for employees in small and medium enterprises, as a premise of the employability of the workforce in the South-West Oltenia region.


Specific objective:

The specialization of the operative personnel of SC Softronic SRL in the field of manufacture, assembly and service of components for electric locomotives.


Quantitative results:

6 specialization programs followed by 80 employees proposed - achieved 86 employees certified in the specialization programs carried out. Qualitative results: improving the skills of personnel in the locomotive modernization sector by developing and promoting specialization programs that aimed to obtain knowledge and skills in a limited area of ​​a basic occupation, creating conditions for promotion within the company, obtaining greater gains, changing mentality through the concept of lifelong learning.


Impact results:

Dissemination of the model of good practice in continuous professional specialization for SMEs in the region.


Other results expected and ensured by the project:

Number of publications: 200 printed courses (each training program had its own manual), 200 leaflets, 30 posters, 1 classroom equipped with specific training equipment, 1 press conference, 1 launch seminar, update of the Softronic Craiova WEB page,



European Commission

European Commission - Directorate-General for Regional Policy:

Council of the European Union:

European Parliament:

European Court of Justice:

European Court of Auditors:

Economic and Social Committee:

Committee of the Regions:

European Central Bank:

Romania's Permanent Mission to the European Union:

Romanian Information Center in Brussels:

European Social Fund In Romania:

OIR POSDRU Southwest Oletania:


This website does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Commission. The sole responsibility for the accuracy and consistency of the information presented lies with the initiators of the website.

For information about the other programs carried out under the auspices of the European Union in Romania, as well as for detailed information on Romania's membership in the European Union, we invite you to visit the website of the Information Center of the European Commission in Romania.


Modernization of electric locomotives of romanian manufacture type LE 5100 kW
Project duration: 30 months -> 08.02.2010 - 07.08.2012


The project meets the objectives of Priority Axis 2, the SOP IEC program, which aims to increase economic competitiveness through research and development and innovation. The project aims to support the stimulation and promotion of innovation within SC Softronic SRL by continuing the concerns of the research and development team for the development of new functional components that are part of the modernization program of Romanian locomotives (ELECTROPUTERE) LE 5100kW, mostly absolute in the endowment of the electric locomotive park in the country. The project falls within the major field of intervention D3 Access of enterprises to RDI activities.


The general objective

Promoting innovation within SC Softronic SRL through RDI activities in order to develop a new product, substantially improved compared to the existing product, for the purpose of production and marketing. In this sense, the results of the RDI will be transferred to the own production sections.


Obiectivele specifice

-> Modernization of electric locomotives of Romanian manufacture (Electroputere Craiova) type LE 5100kw by changing the current traction with DC motors into traction with AC motors and introducing a centralized command and control system - LEM-CASCC. The modernization will result in a new LE that will have technical and functional performances clearly superior to the classic model, manufactured by ELECTROPUTERE, respectively:

     - reducing maintenance costs;

     - reduction of specific electricity consumption (kW / tonne-km);

     - Increasing availability.

-> Ensuring the technical conditions for LEM-CASCC locomotives to comply with the rules on safety, vigilance and interoperability on railways: CER - Commission of European Railways, AEIF - European Association for Railway Interoperability, UIC - International Union of Railways; AFER - Romanian Railway Authority.

-> Continuation of the activities of SC Softronic SRL for the modernization of LE 5100kW in accordance with current technical and technological trends and market requirements.


The LEM-CASCC approval will allow the creation of the premises for the introduction of a new electric locomotive in the manufacture. S.C. SOFTRONIC S.R.L. intends to build a new electric locomotive that meets the new international technical standards.


By fulfilling its objectives it will lead to:

     - Product innovation - modernized electric locomotive with AC traction and centralized Control and Command System that will have clearly superior technical and functional characteristics LE 5100kW nonmodernized;

     - Commissioning of the components of this modernization (AC traction motors, high-power three-phase converters, power transformer, Command and Control System);

     - Commissioning of the modernization of LE with traction as a centralized CCS.



Project implementation results

Documentation for the commissioning of the modernized locomotive with asynchronous motors-Transmontana of:

     - High power three phase inverter;

     - Control and Command System (CCS);

     - Modernization of the electric locomotive by changing the traction with dc motors. in traction with a.c. engines.


Five tangible assets acquired:

     - Mobile test stand;

     - Stand for testing the connectivity of the Centralized Control System;

     - Heat treatment furnace;

     - Stand for testing and running bogies;

     - Brake equipment test stand.


An acquired intangible asset - CAD solid modeling Internal approval LE modernized with traction in a.c. and CCS.




Introduction of the regional electric train - RET


Project implementation period: 16.01.2012 - 16.01.2014



The project meets the objectives of Priority Axis II which aims to increase economic competitiveness through research-development-innovation. Through the proposed project, Softronic will increase its competitiveness due to the launch of a new product of high complexity and technicality, the development of activities to stimulate and promote innovation, the continuation of its research and development team for the development of new products with market demand. endowment with high technical performance equipment.

The project contributes to:

     - increasing the quality and efficiency of RDI activity by transforming research into products with market demand;

     - increasing the degree of competitiveness of S.C. SOFTRONIC S.R.L.;

     - product innovation Electric Regional Train EMU - new product requested by rail passenger carriers;

     - equipping with necessary equipment for the manufacturing process of the EMU Regional Electric Train.



The general objective

Promoting innovation within S.C. SOFTRONIC S.R.L. to develop new, high value-added products for production and marketing.


Specific objectives

-> Development and commissioning of the Regional Electric Train type EMU (Electrical Multiple Unit), a new product that is introduced in the manufacture by SC Softronic SRL. This product has not been manufactured in Romania;

-> Purchase of equipment necessary for the manufacture of the product Tren Electric Regional, high-tech equipment, certified according to specific international quality standards with a maximum age of 3 years.


Project results

-> Execution documentation for the manufacture of the final prototype (zero series);

-> Final prototype;

-> Validation by tests and trials of the technical characteristics of the prototype;

-> Acquisition of high technical equipment:

     - numerically controlled machining center;

     - combined blasting and painting cabin.


Project duration

Project implementation period: 16.01.2012 - 15.07.2014


The Regional Electric Train has been approved by the Romanian Railway Authority and can run on European railways.


For detailed information on the other programs co-financed by the European Union, we invite you to visit:


The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania.

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