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Mechanical and Climatic Calibration and Testing Laboratory

Conferences / Articles

  1. Manea Ion, Popa Gabriel, Gîrniță Ion, PrenÈ›a Gabriel, Design and structural verification of locomotive bogies using combined analytical and experimental methods, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 95, Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering (ModTech2015) 17–20 June 2015, Mamaia, Romania,,

  2. Ion Manea, Ioan Sebesan, Gheorghe Ghita, Mihai Matache, Sorin Arsene, and Gabriel Prenta, Experimental modal analysis of an electric locomotive body, The 21st edition of Innovative Manufacturing Engineering & Energy International Conference – IManE&E, Iasi, Romania, 2017, MATEC Web of Conferences 112, 07008 (2017),

  3. Ion Manea, Ioan Sebesan, Marius Ene, Mihai Gabriel Matache, Sorin Arsene, System for measurement of interaction forces between wheel and rail for railway vehicles, The 13th edition of International Conference on Modern Technologies in Manufacturing, Cluj Napoca, Romania, 2017, MATEC Web of Conferences 137, 01006 (2017),

  4. Ioan SebeÈ™an, Ion Manea, Sorin Arsene, and Marius Spiroiu, Theoretical and experimental research on the phenomenon of stick-slip at traction railway vehicles, The 9th edition of  International Conference on Tribology (BalkanTRib’17), Cappadocia, Turkey, 2017, IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 295 (2017) 012037,

  5. Ioan Sebeșan, Ion Manea and Sorin Arsene, Considerations on the use of elastic wheels to the urban transport vehicles, The 5th edition of International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering (ICMEMSCE2017), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2017; IManE&E 2018, MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 06006 (2018),

  6. Ion Manea, Ioan SebeÈ™an, Mihai Gabriel Matache, Gabriel Prenta and Catalin Firicel, Use of the experimental modal analysis for analytical lifetime estimation of a bogie frame, The 22th edition of IManEE 2018 International Conference, May 31 ÷ June 2, 2018 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 06018 (2018),;

  7. Ioan SebeÈ™an, Ion Manea, and Sorin Arsene, Construction of elastic wheels on light rail vehicles, The 22th edition of IManEE 2018 International Conference, May 31 ÷ June 2, 2018 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 06006 (2018),;

  8. Ion Manea, Ioan SebeÈ™an, Mihai Gabriel Matache, Gabriel Prenta and Catalin Firicel, Analytical evaluation of the lifetime of a three-axle bogie frame using the analytical model validated through experimental modal analysis, The 14th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, VETOMAC XIV, September 10÷13, 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, MATEC Web of Conferences 211, 06004 (2018),;

  9. Ion Manea, Marius Ene, Ion Girnita, Gabi Prenta, Radu Zglimbea, Determination of Wheel-Rail Interaction Forces of Railway Vehicles for Evaluation of Safety Against Derailment at Running on Twisted Tracks, The 15th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, VETOMAC XV, 10 to 15 November 2019, Curitiba, Brazil,


​Manea I., SebeÈ™an I., Ghiță Gh. – Analiza modală teoretică È™i experimentală. AplicaÈ›ii la vehicule feroviare, Editura MatrixRom, ISBN 978-606-25-0292-8, 2016, 238 pag.

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