Mechanical and Climatic Calibration and Testing Laboratory
D. Climate tests
Within the Mechanical and Climate Testing Laboratory, LIMC-Softronic performs cold and dry heat tests on electromechanical, pneumatic, electrical and electronic equipment, which are to be mounted on railway vehicles, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations in the field.
Reference documents:
SR EN 60068-2-1:20007 – Environmental testing part 2-1 test A: Cold.
SR EN 60068-2-2:20007 – Environmental tests part 2-2 test B: Dry heat.
SR EN 50155 – Railway applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock.
Description of the climate test facility
The main functional characteristics of the thermostatic enclosure are:
Useful volume: 280 dm3;
Useful dimensions of the thermostatic enclosure: 720 x 690 x 560 mm.
Temperature variation range: -400*C … 180*C;
Humidity variation range: 10 … 95 % r.h.
The thermohygrostatated room is equipped with controllers with the resolution of setting and displaying the temperature and the relative unit of 0.1*C, respectively 0.1% r. It has a digital thermometer, with the display resolution of 1*C, for controlling the temperature of the probes.